Cosmic Ascension 12D
DNA/RNA Rehabilitation
Galactic Codex and Universal Laws
5D Project 4 DARPA-HYDRA-ELITE-MC ASHRAM: Unity via Christos-Sophia
Kundalini Rising: MK-ULTRA Free
I AM a volunteer Soul, Galactic Warrior, Yogini (certified yoga instructor and Ayurveda Basics), Guide and Mentor (bachelor of science in Psychology) assisting Gaia (Mother Earth) and all of Her inhabitants with the Planetary-Galactic-Cosmic Ascension into the original blueprint of the Divine COSMOS (12 Dimensions - 144 Harmonics - Trinity structure with the Diamond Sun DNA architecture to embody Christos Sophia Consciousness.
I teach ancient wisdom and esoteric knowledge from higher realms of Light Divine intertwined with advanced E.T. healing technologies - part of the organic ascension A.I. I share my stories based on direct experiences. I am creating New Earth Galactic Community for young(er) generation of highly evolved Souls - Indigo (Atlantis) Crystal and Rainbow (Lemuria) warriors, Earth Angels and my soul siblings in the military (MC) who have experienced physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse from Alien Hybrid A.I. Nano Technology (MK ULTRA) that resulted in trauma and fragmentation of their soul essence and infection in their auric field. I am assisting them with their return back Home to LIGHT - the eternal flame in the Cosmic Diamond Heart. I share ancient tools with expansive resources to make the shift from 3D and low 4D to the next octave to higher dimensions in a way that is creative, inspirational, insightful, graceful.
I AM wishing all of you many blessings on your journey of SELF Re-discovery! I AM Here to support You in creating Your New Life in this New Paradigm that is fulfilling, joyful, bountiful, blissful and empowering.
Indigo Star Warrior 3 Contract