Cosmic Ascension 12D
DNA/RNA Rehabilitation
Galactic Codex and Universal Laws
5D Project 4 DARPA-HYDRA-ELITE-MC ASHRAM: Unity via Christos-Sophia
Kundalini Rising: MK-ULTRA Free
Ascension - Spiritual Awakening is the return to the Multi-Dimensional Consciousness of Peace and Unity - The Divine Matrix of Love and Harmony through our alignment with Source, our Creator within our Hearts. It is a shift out of limitation, illusion and fear-based consciousness into the Inner knowing, remembering and feeling our true Divine Nature. This phenomenon is happening throughout our Galaxy and the entire Universe guided by Divine Intelligence. Our planet is flooded with high frequency waves (Gamma rays infused with Photonic Light) from the Great Central Sun and Galactic core assisting Earth and her inhabitants with the Awakening process and Shift in Consciousness. We are re-connecting with our Soul family, Star family and Galactic family. Our bodies' structures are changing. We are going from carbon based DNA to crystalline and Solar Light/Plasma DNA and this process of adjusting our bodies to higher vibrational frequencies can be challenging. Some of the Ascension symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, tiredness, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, disorientation, confusion, irritation, forgetfulness, burning sensation, swelling and numbness in many parts/areas of the body. Gracefully, a new parallel (Ascension timeline) has been created, activated and amplified for us by the Guardians and Heavenly realms to make the connection with our True Self and Source with greater ease and grace and to make the Transition-Ascension successful and enjoyable. All we need is FAITH in our Inner SELF (the Christ Within) and TRUST in the Divine Supreme Intelligence.
The essence of ASCENSION is the continual capacity to experience ourselves as who WE truly ARE Here and Now on this Sacred Earth in the field of Unity Consciousness - PURE LOVE
What Can We Do?
To make the transition from the third-dimensional 3D reality (the false ego matrix - computer simulation - virtual reality) into the fifth-dimensional 5D realm (the soul matrix) and beyond - into the multidimensional infinite Christ-Sophia consciousness requires our conscious participation and communication with our own vastness, our Higher SELF all the time through our Sacred Heart - a gateway to the Infinite One. Here are some guidelines:
We follow our intuition
We do what feels right for us
We respond authentically to each situation
We follow our inner compass, the soft inner voice, the Inner Christos SELF
We desire to be sovereign, free and self-referencing all the time in the now
We claim our mastery and our pure alignment with Source through the Inner realm
We are 100% responsible for our emotions, thought forms, feelings, deeds and actions as we are the Co-creators with the DIVINE under the Law of One
Eucharistic celebration to the embodiment of the inner Christ Spirit. When the inner Christ is activated begins to spiritualize the blood, unite the inner male and female and ultimately resurrect the flesh.
The Eukachrist is a spiritual body part. It is the actual spiritual form and name of the material manifest body of the Christ consciousness that has been ritualized as the Holy Communion by many offshoots of the Judea-Christian religions.
The Gnostic Mass of Christ was taken by the Vatican and distorted in a few important ways by making Blood Sacrifice as a blessing to the people to intentionally increase the spreading of Satanic forces on the Earth through the NAA continued manipulation of religion.
The Eucharist Catholic Rite with God's Body is taken and the sacred marriage rite is made with the Baphomet figure, which is the black magic field that is used to reverse and trap the Christ/Sophia in the Earth also blocking her from fully embodying on the Earth.
As we recognize this spiritual body part as directly connected to our original Silicate Matrix, the Diamond Sun Body may we take a few moments to recognize the higher truth of the Eucharist on the Winter Solstice so that we can bring this template into Morphogenesis in the next cycle the true and accurate symmetry and body part that belongs directly to Christos/Sophia, which is the key that opens the door to the seven higher Heavens and the God Worlds.
Let's hold a space for the preparation of Eukachrist:
The grace of our Christ, the Love of God the Father and the direct communion of the Mother's Holy Body and Spirit, may the Holy presence of Christ be with you all. Beloved God we consecrate the elements of material substance here and now in our body, minds and spirit to be made in your image and glory in such way that we may allow our body, we may allow our blood to be resurrected through the Holy Spirit to dwell forever in the Kingdoms of Christ.
Christ invites all who love Him, who earnestly repent their transgressions and seek to live in peace with one another. All are free to communicate at the appropriate time when their heart chamber is opened to receive God's blessings for all.
I am the Light that shines over all things. From me all came forth and to me all return. The Peace of God, which passes all understanding, may this peace be with you. There is an eternal consecration of God power that makes all things new. It lives and moves in those who know the Self as one with God and Christ.
May that peace be with you, that power uplift you into the eternal and sustaining light.
May it keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God and of his children, the Cosmic Christ. May the Holy Blessings of God be with our heart, mind and spirit.
All aspects of our body fully consecrated and dedicated to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of God, the reclamation of the order of Christ/Sophia on the Earth. May our brothers and sisters rejoice in the eternal light of God to restore the Divine Plan in perfect peace and love. Peace be with you. Peace be with your heart throughout eternity.
May we hold a silent space of loving kindness and empathy for all of us here now in connecting to the spiritual body of the Eukachrist extending it to the entire community and then the entire world.
~ Lisa Renee